Job transfer - Boss doesn't like the idea that I am waiting on my PT BI.

Good morning,

I have been waiting for my DHS public trust for a while. During the hiring process, DHS contacted my boss for references and he wasn’t very happy about it. I explained that I would continue to work hard, be 100% focus and give my best for the company.
Yesterday, he told me that he is transferring me to another location because he needs a person in my position that wants a career not someone that will quit later on for a government hob.
I start in the other location on Monday morning.

First, this really hurts because I worked really hard for great results to get kickedg out. I was a sales manager with a large team.

How does that look for my BI? Do I need to email the investigator and explain the situation?

Hope all is well with everyone.

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No need to call your BI. You can explain what happened if you have a Subject interview otherwise, just let it go.

Sadly, this behavior is not uncommon with employers.

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