Received a LOI from Security Office

Hi! I completed my SF 86 about a month ago, where I answered yes to questions regarding alcohol and drug use on the security clearance form and described the situations. The alcohol happened early last year and I was not arrested just detained and taken to the City’s sobriety center where I waited until I was good enough to order an Uber. I’ve only used marihuana once in my life and that was in October 2014. I received a LOI from the security office at a 5 letter agency asking that I provide a detailed statement for each of the two incidents. Do you recommend that I contact a lawyer to help me with this process? And how serious is to receive a LOI? Thank you!

LOI is fairly common. Most people in this country have issues that need to be addressed with a response to the LOI.

Read the letter thoroughly and respond as instructed in the letter.

You can probably contact the court agencies yourself and request court record and details. It might take longer than paying an attorney but I’m sure it’s much cheaper.

Thank you for your response!