I used to know a couple of investigators and sometimes I’d ask them, does anyone ever actually tell you anything bad about someone? And they’d say, yes, it happens, but then we have to go back and follow up with the subject about it. In other words, they didn’t just take derogatory information at face value without trying to corroborate.
Simply provide the three names on the form. Since he asked, and you gave the name…it is up to the ethics of the ex friend to remain neutral and speak truth to relevant questions about your ability to be trusted with National Security information. If you cheated on a spouse…cheated with his spouse…he has a right to be upset. Sad as that may be (thinking worst case) it doesn’t mean you aren’t reliable. Special forces has a saying about their buddies, trust them with your money, trust them with your life…but not your wife. I’m being facetious. Even if he feels you allowed weeds to spread to his yard, or whatever non classified, non related to violent over throw or supremacy cause, or burning a flag…or communist sympathy…your friend has nothing. He may close with “We are ex friends and I think he is a jackarse.” But that doesn’t mean you cannot be trusted with classified. Trust me. I know plenty jackarses in government. I wouldn’t loan them a buck, or give them a ride on a hot day…well maybe I would 'cause I am wired that way regardless. But my point is if he has nothing to hold over your head…there is zero threat. I am darn sure the employees I terminated over the past 9 years would say bad things about me. I’m certain at least a few of what was my current employees when I departed had plenty bad things to say about me. If they did their job…it was all I asked of them. If they didn’t I was forced to get after them. But none of that is really a national security issue.
I guess we are not going to get the story of the falling out?
The honest issue only arises if you were supposed to report the issue/incident that caused the falling out, for instance, you cheated him from his cut from the drug deal. Having a falling out because neither one of you want to apologized because of your differences between Star Trek and Star Wars is not security threat – unless there are other maturity issues in your background.
Obviously Star Trek is way better than Star Wars.
And Picard smokes Kirk at every level.
you’re telling me cheating with someones spouse doesn’t reflect poorly on someones character in the eyes of a investigator?
Knew there was a woman involved somehow. lol
As far as falling outs go, I’ve heard worse. I imagine your friend will eventually cool off and come around.
Again, I wouldn’t sweat it, even if he end up being interviewed.
A persons character and ability to handle classified information are one in the same. We, as investigators are collecting information on you, we are not the decision makers, those are the adjudicators.
Character plays a role in one’s ability to obtain a security clearance or a position of public trust, it is not the end all, be all as judging character is subjective.
Again, you’re wanting to have a philosophical debate about the process and are thinking too much into it.
it is a point - but like the honesty issue - it can be minor or major.
You are WAY over interpreting. Hope you need not have a Polygraph. You will stumble through every minefield out there. A falling out over Corona isolation…is not an issue.