DCSA Developed a New Reporting Requirements Tool for Clearance Holders

Originally published at: https://www.clearancejobsblog.com/dcsa-developed-a-new-reporting-requirements-tool-for-clearance-holders/

With periodic reinvestigations gone by the wayside and replaced by Continuous Evaluation, it is even more important for security clearance holders to understand what their self-reporting requirements are in accordance with Security Executive Agent Directive (SEAD) 3. The Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency’s (DCSA) training branch, the Center for Development of Security Excellence (CDSE), has…

Totally awesome. But shouldn’t it be the Development of Security Excellence Center of Excellence? DSECoE :slight_smile:

It’s not specified in the tool, but is a spouse’s inheritance of over $10k reportable?

Some agencies do require reporting this sort of thing, any kind of large cash deposit. I cashed out a bunch of vacation hours when I left my last job (actually the last two jobs) and I had to report that. There may even be an online tool on the government network (if you have access to it). Better to report something like this now than have to explain it later. If your security officer says you don’t need to report, make a note of the date and who told you that… better yet keep the email :slight_smile: