DCSA Implements Corrective Measures to Tackle Increased Investigation Inventory and Timeliness

Originally published at: https://www.clearancejobsblog.com/dcsa-implements-corrective-measures-to-tackle-increased-investigation-inventory-and-timeliness/

The Defense Counterintelligence Agency (DCSA) has implemented several corrective measures to tackle the growing background investigation inventory which has increased the time in getting them completed and closed out. DCSA stood up a “Tiger Team” to identify the constraints and factors that have led to the increase, and they came up with the below recommendations,…


The way DCSA improves timeliness and backlogs is they pull the lever of telephone testimonies.

It’s really odd when you know the history of OPM/NBIB/DCSA. They used to beat up Investigators viciously for a telephone testimony.

Now it’s common place to pick up the phone and interview a reference with several issues. The quality of the investigative product has deteriorated through the use of VTC and telephone.

Is that the same as a “backlog?”

No, just an increase in the amount of investifations requested which at current staffing affects timeliness.

Wow, and this even with continuous evaluation or whatever it is called. I’m in CE, not sure what CV is.

CV is continuous vetting.

I should have said, I don’t know what the difference between CE and CV is.

CV comes from the information developed from the CE process. We have a lot more “RSIs” these days.

the CE/CV is confusing as a word combination.