How long to mitigate drugs while cleared?

Huh, I thought that was kind of a myth (unlike having your dad be the president)

First I don’t know you but I would bet that you are definitely not a POS. Second, we are all made in His image! That said no one’s opinion matters. If you are sober, regardless of the substance and it’s legalities, then stay that way. Nothing and no one is worth the pain and torture that comes along with using. It has changed my life for sure but I will say without having walked through that and survived I would not be where I am today. Everything and anything is possible through God! I could tell you some things about myself that would make you never doubt the existence of a higher power! I mean it, things that have happened to me are seriously beyond belief for most. I survived, I am definitely better than I ever imagined I would be.

Yes it is most definitely possible to regain the trust of the government and obtain your clearance back. STAY FAITHFUL! STAY SOBER! AND BE HONEST.

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