Using Spouse’s Prescription Medication is Considered Misuse

You know . . . Many years ago, I was walking through Philly on my way to my office. Allergy season had just started and I stopped at a pharmacy to pick up some Sudafed. At my office, I opened the package and noticed that these were small, white, pills. I had only ever seen RED Sudafed but I popped two in my mouth and swallowed.

The joke was on me . . . About 20 minutes later I started to get really light headed. I took a closer look at the box. The red pills that I was used to were 30mg each and I always took two. The new white pills were 60mg each. So, I had taken twice the recommended dosage. I went and told my boss what happened and he asked me to stay at my desk until I felt better.

I didn’t INTENTIONALLY misuse the drugs. I realize that there was no proscription involve here but I think that the point remains the same.