Applicant Overcomes $2 Million in Debts to Get Security Clearance

Yeah, goes without saying that a one-off catastrophic financial event resulting from a divorce, medical crisis, or business bust clearly is not indicative of any financial irresponsibility. Usually. The fact that he could incur such a large debt is evidence of his ability to create a massively successful business in the first place. So we know that he a history of financial prudence.

And while the amount of debt is not always a factor, likewise neither is the number of delinquent accounts in some cases. E.g., 12 delinquent accounts for medical bills which were incurred over a one or two-year period usually indicates a medical crisis along with the difficulties of dealing with insurance companies and the inanity of hospital billing. Not necessarily financial irresponsibility. Meanwhile 8 delinquent accounts from Best Buy, Old Navy, Sephora, Nordstrom, Nike, etc., is fairly good evidence of irresponsibility.