Originally published at: https://www.clearancejobsblog.com/commercial-space-industry-says-security-clearance-process-is-too-cumbersome/
The creation of a new branch of the military, the Space Force, has created new contract opportunities for commercial aerospace space companies to provide the Department of Defense (DoD) with critical technologies and support to help counter the continued counterintelligence threat from countries like China and Russia. Many of these companies are nontraditional, meaning they are…
What’s new isn’t Space Force, which is just a re-labeling of existing programs and capabilities. What’s new is the booming commercial space industry. It reminds me of the 1990’s when we saw a transition away from defense and IC “black” programs setting the standards for innovation and technology toward the current situation where they are desperately trying to keep up.
In those days, government program offices would approach these booming companies only to find out that they were far too busy trying to keep up with demand to waste any time with bureaucratic program management, arcane requirements documents, and ornate testing. Sounds like it is happening again.