Could one sexual act when traveling disqualify?


I have a quick question on if one small thing is possible to come up and seriously hinder my chances of passing the clearing process. I don’t have any drug usage or history of concern, and no crimes committed besides a ticket (town citation for noise) a few years back. But when I went on a trip to Europe (more or less 2 years past), I received oral (not intercourse) from a prostitute in the red light district of Amsterdam (legal and consensual). I have no other sexual concerns or problematic sexual history. It was once and my friends know, I don’t think it’s a very big deal, not so blackmail-able to me. I’ve read every post on this forum involving sexual conduct and have seen mixed responses on if this could prevent me from completing the process or not. If I could have an honest opinion on if this could be a major issue or not that would mean a lot.

(Assume not disclosed on sf86 since no place for it, but concerned about it coming up in interviews.)


Any ideas or am I maybe just overreacting about this?

Varying opinions here for sure on this topic. Like you already mentioned, there is no place to report this on the SF-86. You will be asked about general illegal sexual behavior. Answer honestly, listen to the questions. If you feel like you need to get it off your chest to your Investigator then be prepared to discuss fully. In circumstances like these, I would go by the general rule of thumb to not create issues where none exist.

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There isn’t any place to disclose that on the SF but you’ll likely be asked a question during the interview that would apply. Best advice is to be open and honest about it.

Almost positive that during your subject interview there is a question towards the end that asks about sexual conduct that could question your judgment reliability or trustworthiness. If you feel the need to disclose it then, then do so.

Right, that makes sense. But now would this commonly be an instant disqualifying factor? I’m not sure how big of a deal it is. (FBI applicant poly)

There are not many instantly disqualifying things. It’s a much bigger issue when you don’t admit it and it is found out another way. Then you’re in hot water. I can’t be 100% sure whether it’s disqualifying or not as I haven’t come across this type of thing before in the field. Just be honest about it. Trust me it’s better than omitting it and hoping they don’t find out.

Right that’s the idea, to explain fully, but only if a question asking about something of that nature comes up. From looking around though it seems like the sexual questions are only asked for a couple specific agencies and this is not that likely to come up on the FBI poly? It’s kind of confusing.

And if it did come up, would a couple years time, it being a regretted one time occurrence, and it being openly known be strong enough of a mitigation that I’ll be OK?

There is a question that will be asked regardless of agency. It is a yes or no. If you say yes they’ll want you to elaborate.

I’m not sure about the poly side of things but I assume they would have a question (or multiple) like that as well.

It will likely come up in a lifestyle poly (the reason that I will not be getting a TS any time soon . . . ) But, remember: You didn’t break any U.S. laws. It was a one-time event. I expect that you were not married at the time. This shouldn’t be a big deal unless you make it one by being overly concerned or looking like you are trying to hide something.

Thank you Ed that helps.

Is patronizing a commercial sex worker in the Netherlands even considered illegal?

Potentially . . . Yes, it is . . .

Aren’t things that are legal abroad but illegal in the US still listed as an item of concern?