DCSA Special Agent Offer

Hi, I receive a final offer for the investigator position at the GS7 level. It would be my first government job as I come from the private sector. No prior investigative background. The process was extremely fast, which is kind of a red flag.

I’m intrigued by the position and like the freedom to work as I want and not having to be at the office. I also guess that it would be easier to trade to other o government jobs from the inside.

At the same time from what I’ve read, I see some red flags about expectations regarding workload. Also micromanagement at some locations.

My main issue is that I was chosen for a remote location 2 hours away from a major city. That’s the biggest downside. Although I accepted the offer I’m not sure if it’s better to take the training and quit, so if a better location comes up I can apply having the training and the clearance, or be upfront and just reject the offer because the location is just awful (at least for me).

Any insights on my situation, the current state of the agency and the job would be highly appreciated!

I cant comment on the specific position but you are correct in that you have gotten your foot in the door with federal employment. Any time you spend there will count toward service at another agency.

You should also get your background investigation-- I don’t think technically you get a “clearance” but that investigation should allow you to get cleared at another agency should you choose to move.

Probably opportunities to go TDY to other areas from what I’ve heard. As far as your first location not being somewhere you like, did they offer relocation assistance? Most government positions do not offer relocation for your first move, but if you relocate to a new position you will probably get relocation assistance.

But is a DCSA background investigator considered a “special agent?” I thought that title was for 1811 criminal investigator types… what’s a background investigator, 1801? 1810? Not that the title makes a huge difference, but the criminal investigator training is a sought-after credential.

Good Luck!

Investigator is now called special agent at least that’s the official title they give you. 1810 is the code for the position.

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Also, I though Federal Investigator types were always referred to as Speical Agents? At least all the ones I knew told me that, and would tease me that the gold seemed to have rubbed off my badge! :smile:

Congrats! Federal employment is sweet so learn the ins and out and if you don’t like something transfer.
Just curious are you a veteran? I was prospected for this position, but was pretty much told good luck if I am not a person with any type of preference.

Not a veteran and the process was super fast. I guess that the location is awful so they took the first person to apply for it. I’ll do the training and if I don’t like the location I’ll just quit and go back to my old job.