DHS Suitability

So here is my background. Long story short, I was convicted of assault and serves time in prison in 2003. Released 2008. Never been arrested or convicted of anything else. Received public trust in 2012 and graduated with undergrad degree in 2012 and masters in 2015.

I recently applied for a job with DHS. My eQip was done in October 2016 and I just received a call I can start work but final adjudication has not been made. Clearly they have all the information. Is there a possibility I start working and then they fire me ? They ran my fingerprints and credit… or is this just red tape and 9 times out 10, I should be Good?

Also, what is the likelihood of me being able to receive a waiver and get a secret clearance with a 14 year old felony, no other convictions, 2 degrees since released and workIng for DHS?

There should be no issue with getting the Secret if there are no other issues in your case and it is not a disqualifier for the specific position you are in. However, should you seek a higher level clearance the Bond Amendment applies for those seeking access to Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI), Special Access Programs (SAP), or Restricted Data (RD). It states: Agencies are prohibited from granting or renewing access to individuals who have been convicted in any court of a crime and sentenced to imprisonment exceeding one year and incarcerated for not less than one year.

I have no other disqualifiers. So you don’t need bond amendment waiver for a Secret clearance?

Thank you for all your info.

For your particular issue, correct. There are other issues like current drug user and addictions where it applies to all levels.

Thank you! You made my day…