Does the DCSA share BI information when conducting separate Clearance Eligibility Levels

I am working at 2 jobs. For one job I had an interview for public trust (SF85P high security) back in Aug 2024. I hide information on form about getting fired due to performance reasons at a previous job and the investigator caught me in the interview, the investigation is not completed yet. With the second employer I am filing SF86 Secret ( CE ) . Since this is just CE should I still disclose firing info. Does the DCSA system share and keep track of BI for separate Clearance Eligibility Levels. @sbusquirrel @Amberbunny2 @Marko @clearedrob @EdFarmerIII please help

I’m quite sure that the investigators will have access to all forms you’ve submitted as well as any investigation notes. Yes, disclose the info.

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Absolutely. Hiding is never good. Once established…report it.

Previous investigation applications are included when a new one is completed, even if it was discontinued. If there are discrepancies between the information you submitted on one vs the other it may become an issue.

Thanks people for the input, I thought I can get away since its just a Continuous Evaluation CE where the investigators only look at the electronic data but I was wrong. Also there is a question on SF86 as below

“For this employment, in the last seven (7) years have you received a written warning, been officially reprimanded, suspended, or disciplined for misconduct in the workplace, such as a violation of security policy?”

I was put on a Performance improvement plan for 3 weeks before I got fired is this consider a “warning”. I worked as a Software developer, and I was going through bitter divorce during this time frame. I have clearance for the last 15 years and this the first time I got fired. Can I mention divorce as an excuse.
@sbusquirrel @Amberbunny2 @Marko @clearedrob @EdFarmerIII please help

One time traumatic experience can explain alcohol or drug issue. Not seeing correlation to whatever you did." I ould simply say "yes, PIP, but due to emotional situation I struggled and was released.

All dependent on “what you did”.

Getting fired isn’t disqualifying. Lying about it is.

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Did you seriously just say that you were caught lying on the SF85 and now you’re filling out a SF86 and are considering lying again and want to know if you’ll get caught? (Through sharing information.) Wow, just wow!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Extra sentence to fill size requirement

2024-It’s only lying if you get caught.