If there was a clean divorce and you are applying for a secret clearance (new) will they even contact an ex spouse in any way 6 years after the divorce?
I don’t know if they will contact ex, but you do have to provide their current contact info so, yeah they might.
Consider this: If you’ve got something to hide, the investigators will almost definitely find it and that will probably have an affect on your clearance and your ability to get cleared later on. Whatever it is, don’t hide it. Come clean. Chances are they probably won’t consider it a strike against you. But lying/hiding stuff will.
If you’re paying spousal or child support your ex probably won’t say anything too bad about you unless ex spouse is super dumb. In some case types ex spouses are interviewed if they’re findable.
Not hiding anything. My concerns in her propensity to lie about me and defame me.
That’s not that uncommon. Good news is, most investigators are pretty good at spotting those types of things. Make that VERY good…
Unless they were interviewed for a previous investigation (sounds like this is not the case here) your ex most likely will be contacted as a requirement of the case.
I’ve had exes who declined to be interviewed, others have dodged every attempt to reach them, other sit there and lie (both ways, “oh he’s a dog” or “oh, she’s wonderful”). The vast majority, esp if they are receiving any financial help from the Subject, are honest if not complimentary.
Investigators and adjudicators realize that an ex is usually a biased source.
Thanks for the answer, that’s why google isn’t your friend. I thought for secret they didn’t really interview and it was largely automated. Shows what I know. I won’t be going to TS unless a special assignment.
For a T3, (not a TS), the former spouse interview is not required and will not be pursued unless there is an issue present that the former spouse would have knowledge of. If you have some sort of financial, legal, drug, etc, issue that your spouse has knowledge of then yes, they may be contacted. Other than that, no they won’t be contacted. - Investigator
I sincerely appreciate your answer. With absolutely no disrespect or purposeful annoyance meant, your answer was the best so far in terms of actual information, but the part I don’t understand is how I’ve heard so many things even on this forum. The person I think before you sounds like an investigator at least how they talk and they said they probably will contact her. I did not have a happy relationship with my ex and will be completely transparent about that but it’s just a hope of mine that I could avoid the recurrent pain of digging that stuff back up.
You’re getting different answers because the answer is “it depends”. There are tons of different factors in play and no one can know for sure without reviewing your entire SF86. I agree with HR2C that for a T3 it is less likely she’ll be contacted.
You can believe what you want, I’m just telling you what T3 coverage is required. For a T3 we don’t even have to interview you unless there is an issue that triggers an interview. For some investigations a former spouse interview is required, not for a T3. We only have to get that coverage if there are issues present as stated before. A lot of people in these discussions runs off at the mouth with no knowledge of coverage requirements. I don’t set these requirements and they don’t change. They are set by the government and all we do is consult with a chart to see if we need to get something or not. Good luck with your investigation.
Thank you, that makes sense. The only issue is that I am a dual citizen with Austria (born and grew up in the US but it was passed down by an Austrian law). I studied abroad there and have been back for 14 years without leaving the US minus going to the Bahamas on a cruise. Does that count as an “issue”?
I am not going to discuss what specific things are or are not issues.
No problem, appreciate your time. I’ve just always worried about me having that. I saw the guidelines and know as long as it’s mitigated it’s ok but heck it’s still an unknown.