My clearance was granted

Hello, hopefully Marko or amber read this.
So I got my Secret Clearance granted today through a Dod contractor.
Like I stated before, I also submitted an sf 86 for a Dod federal agency. So I called the Human resources federal agency today and I told them I had been granted Secret Dod through a contractor. They told me that a Secret contractor and a Secret fed civilian side was different, is this true? I thought a Secret was a Secret… What’s going on here? Is it a suitability issue

The clearance is not the issue when moving from contractor to civil servant positions, but rather the public trust duties and risk level of the position. For example, if the position is designated as having high risk public trust duties with a Secret clearance requirement then you would need to have a Tier 5 done. Regardless, if they offered/selected you for a job they should be processing the appropriate level of investigation for the position or using reciprocity no matter if you were just granted a clearance or not. Go here to see more:

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Concur Marko. If you are still in the fed job pipeline they should still be processing you though I hear having two actions happening at once can cause all kinds of problems. Start work as a contractor, make sure you are in process for the next level and move from there. Congrats on clearing, always a load off one’s mind even knowing you are trustworthy.

Marko or amber, what would happen to my T3 investigation clearance if i dont accept the job offer? I have a job that pays me more than the job I would have with the clearance And, I am waiting for the Fed job i recently submitted the sf86 to.

How were you notified that it was completed? My file went into adjudication the same time as yours.

Marko or amber, what would happen to my T3 investigation clearance if i dont accept the job offer? I have a job that pays me more than the job I would have with the clearance And, I am waiting for the Fed job i recently submitted the sf86 to

FSO at my company sent me an email. You should be very close

Your clearance remains valid for two years for you to get picked up. I was granted a clearance through a sponsoring agency but did not end up working for that company, I was told the clearance would remain valid for two years, if you are not hired in another position that requires that clearance within two years then it would no longer be valid.

Different agencies can have different timelines. A TS will last 2 years because one can get into seriously different and bad things over a 2 year period. All that requires scoping. A Secret clearance can be valid 5 to 10 years and still cross over. My client will crossover a DoD clearance if it is less than 5 years old. 7 if it was their clearance. But a TS will need re-investigated once it goes past 2 years. .

"my client will crossover a DOD clearance if it is less than 5 years old"
Even if they never worked a day under that clearance?

If the clearance is visible in any of the systems…JPASS, Scattered, State department, etc it is possible to cross over, at least lower level clearances. If one went what I call “zero to sixty,” meaning no clearance to full scope poly cleared but never read in…that is a different animal. You were technically not cleared and it can be treated different. However, if a sponsor previously existed for a Secret clearance and it shows you were cleared…yes.

Interesting, thanks for clarifying. :slight_smile: