Nanny w/o Green Card

Yes, I’m definitely very competitive - I have over 25 years of experience in a highly technical field. I’m highly regarded in my area of expertise. The job would pay about 20% of what I make in comp now - but after slugging it out for major technology companies at a top firm I thought it would be incredible to work at the highest levels in government and with top performers and a mission that I can personally and professionally align with. I’m an owner of the firm I’m in and it gives me great pay but is increasingly lacking purpose outside of compensation. I’m at a point in my life where I would love to exchange pay for a purpose. Also, have a young daughter and (not that I don’t like working hard and grinding it out) but spending 24/7 working takes it’s toll after 25+ years.

You raise really good points though and thanks for raising the poly which is something I hadn’t really processed. All of the questions you raise are completely valid and the reason why I posted the inquiry. I don’t want to go through a year-long process and waste the Agency’s time if this is a deal-breaker but I think it would be a blast if it worked out.

Posting this question understanding that the Agency has also relaxed its policies on a bunch of things. I’ve never used illegal drugs in my life. Seems like you can get a job at the Agency if you haven’t used illicit substances in the last 12 months. Comparatively, the nanny issue seems like a minor infraction if you’ve paid the taxes - but that would be inserting my own bias and doing so is not helpful in determining if I should apply or not.

Again, why I appreciate the responses from you and the rest of the community.

Thank you!

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Please disregard the haters. Apparently they are flawless and perfect human individuals and enjoy living in their glass house. Everyone deserves the chance to serve their country and a zero defect mentality is not the general concept most of these agencies look for. People with lots of civilian experience and expertise are definitely needed in many parts of the government. Career civil servants often have narrower perspectives and experiences with things that are" non government " or “non military” Good luck.


Don’t live in a glass house. And yes, for my almost 28 years of working for the government, I have had a stellar record. But I make good decisions and don’t break the law.

The OP knowingly broke the law.


Thank you for your service. Most us can only aspire to a lifetime of perfection. I do have guilt every time I accelerate to 70 mph to pass someone driving 55 on the Interstate. :slight_smile:

I knew you would say something like that. Because hiring an illegal is the same as speeding, right!!!. Best of luck.

I would like to think that if you remedy your past conduct by paying taxes and penalty that it’s not disqualifying. I keep coming back to how the Agency treats the use of illicit drugs. Reading the form - they want to make sure you haven’t used anything in the last 12 months and they want to make sure you don’t have a history of addiction or abuse - but it doesn’t appear to be a bar to getting a clearance. I’m not trying to excuse my conduct - but it does appear that there are certain industries that regularly hire qualified undocumented workers because they can’t find others willing to take the job. Would imagine that they pay the taxes too. I know companies get fined but I’m not aware of this being a felony or any CEOs going to jail for this.

Do you still employ your nanny?

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Do you still break the speed limit?

You get fined for both and neither is a felony - so what’s your point here?

To get back to brass tacks - I didn’t post this question to engage in an anonymous dialog about personal opinions. You clearly have your views but I’ve not seen any antidotes, examples, stories, reports, experiences that substantively support what you want to assert.

I process information and act based on facts and evidence. You (sir or madam) have provided nothing to support your position and so it has to be dismissed unless you do. No competent person would think otherwise.

I’ve hired a consultant that actually handles clearances and am looking forward to talking with them. I’m very grateful that a platform like this even exists. I’m sure I wouldn’t have found the connection without the community so I’m grateful for everyone that has engaged thusfar.

I am not sure if this was directed towards me but I assume from your response that you do still employ your nanny. I am not sure why you feel that I have any personal opinion about this if it is directed to me, it is a very relevant question that I asked that relates to your original post. If you in fact are continuing in this employment knowing the status you will not be considered. If you are able to successfully navigate this process please return and let everyone know you have cleared.

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Don’t spend too much money on a consultant. My gut tells me you have enough skills and knowledge to mitigate, correct, and rectify the situation. It’s not a zero defect mentality and the “whole person concept” is what adjudicators look at.

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Thanks @Weeble

It was literally a 1/2 hour call and he was excellent. Confirmed what you have said. mitigate, correct and rectify. Wasn’t the first time he’s seen it and thought that it was a resolvable issue. Thanks again for your reasoned input and guidance.

I am an investigator and during an investigation when thing come up that need more coverage, questions, clarification, documentation, etc. those items are called “issues”. I can tell you that providing financial support to an undocumented worker to help them stay in the US illegally (let’s face it, that’s what it is, your money is paying their bills) and taxes and the money is not being paid that hits multiple “issues” that will require substantial additional coverage. There is a chance of disqualification due to high standards held by that agency compared to some others that may be a little more lenient and grant a waiver. Your highest chance of being cleared would be to make good on all tax obligation and not continue to employ a worker who is not legal to work in this country. I can say with a relatively high degree of certainty that your likelihood of getting cleared would be very low with a current Tax delinquency and presently breaking the law and providing financial support to allow an undocumented worker to remain in this country illegally. I have tried to give you as unbiased of an opinion as I can with the knowledge I have of the clearance process I have from interviewing people everyday. I hope that helps.


Any update? Just reading this your responses really have a “rules are for the poor people vibe”. Hope you got things straight with “the help”.

Hi - thank you. I just saw your reply. I don’t disagree with your conclusions about how to improve the chances of getting cleared. I very much appreciate your input that I believe is direct and accurate.

We are no longer employing the nanny. I’ve found a job that is more lucrative in the private sector. I will work to resolve the tax issues. I understand the reasons for the agency policy. They are just going to find out that a lot of technically capable people like myself can find better jobs and they will likely be left with less capable but otherwise “unblemished” candidates

This may just be a case of the juice not being worth the squeeze. A career at the agency sounds quite interesting and I’ve since met others that work there who make it sound less exciting than I might have thought from the outside!

Lol so people who follow laws are less capable than you. Got it. What a loss for the CIA.


If you are an investigator, I’m uncertain how you are so confident in how the adjudication process would treat this situation. Investigators investigate and report. They don’t adjudicate. Anyone who has been an investigator long enough has did a clearance update on someone whom they can hardly believe was initially favorably adjudicated and this situation is hardly the deplorable situation you have described. “Whole person concept”

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Take the opinion or leave it. The choice is yours.

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I’m sorry that is how you read my post Ken. Not intended.

Our nanny applied to become a legal immigrant many years ago. She is a perfect pass but the agency never responded to her request. It’s still in process. If she could code for Facebook - I’m sure she would be in like flint!

If no one from the DMV ever renews your acknowledges your drivers licence application - are you going to stop driving? And if people maligned you because you drove without a licence because the government process was broken…how would you feel.

I am sure the CIA will be absolutely fine! They just don’t get a 30 year vet. They will figure it out. And by the way, I didn’t hire a baddie folks. We hired a loving mother of 2 who is incredible with our daughter and would be fine if the documentation process in this country wasn’t broken.

Soooooooo you’re NOT really a “ClearedEsq” then. OK. If I was caught driving without a license I would probably accept the responsibility and not blame everyone else. And I am sure the nanny IS a wonderful caring human, that was never in question.