I’m processing for two agencies who both need a T5 and full-scope. Different departments. As far as I know, both background investigations are complete.
The first agency I did the poly for went great. I was told I passed. The second agency was a total disaster. I was reported “deception indicated” on two questions that I know I was completely candid and truthful on. I kept being pressed to explain things I never did, so I never admitted anything. I was given a retake the next day and the same thing happened. The issue was unresolved and they said it would be going to quality control.
I did some reading an found out this is a very typical experience. But while haven’t been DQed yet, I’m not getting my hopes up. Honestly, I’m not sure if I want to work for that agency anymore even if I receive a favorable result. I’m wondering if this would have any impact on the agency I passed with.