Passed one polygraph, then failed another. What to expect?

I’m processing for two agencies who both need a T5 and full-scope. Different departments. As far as I know, both background investigations are complete.

The first agency I did the poly for went great. I was told I passed. The second agency was a total disaster. I was reported “deception indicated” on two questions that I know I was completely candid and truthful on. I kept being pressed to explain things I never did, so I never admitted anything. I was given a retake the next day and the same thing happened. The issue was unresolved and they said it would be going to quality control.

I did some reading an found out this is a very typical experience. But while haven’t been DQed yet, I’m not getting my hopes up. Honestly, I’m not sure if I want to work for that agency anymore even if I receive a favorable result. I’m wondering if this would have any impact on the agency I passed with.

Did they know you passed the other one?

Yeah, they asked me what my polygraph experience was and I mentioned that. I’m inclined to think they made it harder for me because I said that.

Yes, it could potentially have an impact, as federal agencies share information. If the second agency were to ultimately score your polygraph charts as “significant response” (failing), that might affect the first agency’s decision on whether to grant you a security clearance or hire you.

There’s an even worse possible outcome, though. If the second agency’s polygraph unit concludes that you attempted polygraph countermeasures (a conclusion they can make for arbitrary and capricious reasons), that could result in your being blacklisted across federal agencies.