Originally published at: Soliciting Prostitutes Is a No-No for Clearance Holders | ClearanceJobs Blog
Even though it is practiced across the entire country, prostitution is illegal in the United States. There are countries where it is legal and regulated. Regardless of where it occurs, soliciting a prostitute is never a good idea for someone who has a security clearance. What is the big deal, you ask? According to the…
FWIW, I don’t think that’s quite correct. I think it’s a state level law. It’s illegal in most of the US but it is legal in some counties in NV. I don’t think there is any federal law relating to prostitution.
Wikipedia: "The regulation of prostitution in the country is not among the enumerated powers of the federal government. It is therefore exclusively the domain of the states to permit, prohibit, or otherwise regulate commercial sex under the Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, except insofar as Congress may regulate it as part of interstate commerce with laws such as the Mann Act. "
In my prior BI days, I had a case where a fed employee use to visits “escorts” while away on travel and in the course of interviewing, he claimed it wasnt for sex but to dress up and do roleplays that his spouse wouldnt do. His spouse knew about it and he was not open to blackmail or coercion, etc. and even was going to counseling for it.
Prostitution is not federally illegal, it is a state law issue. In Nevada they have Red Light Districts where prostitution is legal.