Legal Brothels in Nevada and Security Clearances

I found out recently that in the U.S., there are legal brothels in some counties of Nevada. I’m a single bachelor with no sexual history, and am currently in the process of obtaining a security clearance.

What negative impacts on a security clearance would an applicant/holder face, including suspension, revocation or denial, if they decided to go to one of these places in Nevada? If it ends up being acceptable and legal, would one still be obligated to report it?

There was a recent thread about this. FWIW, Marko does claim it’s not acceptable. However, he also claims it is against the law, which it is not. So just take that warning with a grain of salt.

Technically, there is no federal law prohibiting prostitution. If you go to the red light district in NV (where it is legal), that in itself should not cause issues. The issues come up if you feel any guilt or do something that could make you vulnerable to blackmail.

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While not illegal, it can be a personal conduct issue.

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Fair enough… and what if you qualify it with “I would still be a virgin if I didn’t go there”?

Disclaimer: Not implying that for DeclanNova in any way. Just a general question.