Sponsoring someone for visitation

My husband and I want to sponsor my grandma into the US from Pakistan through a visitation letter. But he is afraid that in the future when he is trying to get security clearance for a government job, his security clearance would be negatively affected. Is that a possibility? Could sponsoring someone for a visa negatively affect security clearance?

Sponsoring foreign nationals is on the sf86 so yes, they do look at that. I don’t know what impact the parent/in-law part has though. Also, if the origin country is designated, that can have a big impact. Don’t know where Pakistan stands these days. Also, I believe there is a 7 year window so if he applies more than 7 years after the sponsorship, then he might be able to omit it. But again, not 100% sure. At the very least, I would expect it to cause some delays in the process.

Have a look at this article

Thank you for responding. It seems that the artical you attached is referring to sponsoring someone to work, for permanent residency or for student falls under the category. However my case would be to apply for my grandma as a visitor temporary visa. Would that fall into the same category as described in the article? Would that impact his security clearance in the future. Additionally, if I was to sponsor instead of him, would that affect his security clearance in the future since we are married?

In your situation, he would have to report the sponsorship on the SF86 but then, he would have to report the relationship on form also. Sponsor your grandmother for the visa and tell him he worries too much. (unless grandmother is a foreign government official, military member, intelligence officer, security force member, or works in the defense industry)