Took a 2nd poly recently and was interrogated on a question from the 1st poly over and over. I denied everything and stuck to my answer from the beginning which was the truth through and through. I’ve taken numerous polys at this point so it’s not new to me. Also at the end, I was read policies about drug use, reporting foreign travel, etc during the applicant process and if I agree to them. I was walked out and told I was unsuccessful. The policy reading at the end didn’t make sense when I was told multiple times I failed.
I was given a note saying I have to wait to reschedule another one.
Any insight to all of this? Did I actually fail? Or is a 3rd in the talks? The 2nd poly mentally drained the hell out of me.
It’s really difficult to draw any conclusions at this point. With agencies such as the CIA and NSA, it is not unusual for applicants to be subjected to up to three (and sometimes more) polygraph sessions. It is not unusual for persons who eventually pass to be accused of lying or withholding information.
What precisely does the note about having to wait to reschedule state? (If you are allowed to schedule a follow-up session, that would be a clear indication that you haven’t actually failed at this stage.)
The note is the same as others have received in here, after reading through. States if none are available at the desk during that time, wait a specific amount of time for a link. After a certain amount of time has passed without receiving a link to schedule, then reach out on your own.
For what it’s worth, I think there may just be some semantic mismatch at play here. For the same agency, I was told that I failed (explicitly, using that word many times) my first go-around and would need to come back for another. They (or at least my specific examiner) seem to use the word simply to mean “didn’t pass”. I guess I am not the only one then. Glad to hear there’s still some hope. In my experience with poly, when you’re explicitly told you failed, you did indeed fail. But here, they tell me that and bring me back for a 2nd lol. And now possibly a 3rd.
I just thought that being read certain policies in relation to the application phase at the end, was weird. Since I didn’t hear those at the first poly. Kind of made it seem like I’ll make it to a third or I’ll finally be able to break through and move on.
I was read with the policy for the first time even though I didn’t get to do the CI part (hence incomplete).
It is also interesting they always asked me “ why did you apply?” at the end of poly, and talked as if I would be brought on board (like discussing school districts and places to live).
I just assumed they made this kind of casual talk with everyone…