Will I get a 3rd Poly attempt?

Hey all,

Had an unsuccessful poly last week on the CI portion with ft. meade. It was my 2nd poly with them, but my 6th poly this year (accepted several offers). My examiner ran a style of test that I was not familiar with and when I had a “sensitivity” to a question, she that implemented new “risk assessment” questions (I’m sure this was another ploy). When I left, she said that she had no control if I get another attempt as I have already had two. The concern is that on my previous failed attempt, I was notified as I was leaving that I would be getting another attempt. Is the “maybe you will, maybe you won’t” another tactic or is it a realistic possibility that I may be done with?

I’ve taken 4 (two for two different processes) and they said basically identical words until I passed. They’ll say “it’s out of their control”, “not guaranteed”, etc etc but then “oh we have a slot tomorrow, I strongly encourage you to take it if you want to continue processing”. Most likely you will get another slot. There is a post about the poly like every few days here lol

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Thanks for the input. I guess I was thrown as I have taken 6 at this point but this one had a completely different structure.

Did you not pass any of the 6?

If you did, all they would need to do is adjudicate them.

I have. But none of my offers will reciprocate with each other.

If you have a passed poly on your record I’m sure this reflects positively on you. Just a game of willpower at this point (willpower to keep taking them)

Polys are put into SC or DISS regardless of who does them. If you passed, it would be in the the system under your social even if it was not adjudicated because you did not take job. If you did not pass, it would not be in either system.

That’s if you have a clearance already though , do you ?

Keep in mind also that you have not taken the other job offers so agencies may not see it as a benefit to them to continue. 6 is ALOT. I have been in the IC at various agencies 20 yrs and have only had 5.

I just graduated and do not have a clearance. I accepted 3 offers and have done 2 polys for each offer.