Hi. Have interim top secret and going through the process to obtain full ts sci. Had full secret at my old company and new company is requiring ts sci.
I was arrested tonight and charged with assault (striking and shoving) my own brother while on vacation. I did not strike him and only held him back while he was trying to hit me. His wife actually is the one who assaulted me. I did not press charges because we are family.
I have a court date on the 29th.
How will this affect the ts process? Do I report this to my manager or to my fso?
I cannot believe I am being falsely accused. He was drunk and I had no drinks. Please advise. Thanks.
You need to report the charge to your security people, probably your FSO, the first chance you get.
This absolutely needs to be reported to your FSO/manager/etc. It’s worse for them to find out on their own (which they will eventually) and have to bring it to you and ask why you didn’t tell them. I’ve seen that situation multiple times.