Applying to Different Area After Suitability Denial

Hi guys, I received a suitability denial from a three letter agency a couple months back. The suitability denial was for lack of candor which came out in the polygraph.

I was wondering a couple of things about this: what are my chances if I would like to re-apply to the same agency but under another “department” let’s call it. This is another area within the agency that I had not previously applied to. I am a student and would like to apply for an internship for next summer (like I had done a year and a half ago). I have already had a complete background investigation done on me so that should still be within scope.

Additionally, what would the timeline look like for me to re-apply. Do I have to wait the full year that they mentioned in the denial letter or is it different if I am applying to another area in the same agency.


There will be a zero chance you are accepted.

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To second @velcroTech anything having to do with lack of candor over the course of the process, especially with an IC organization, pretty much completely bars you from employment with that organization.

The good thing here is that a suitability denial is not a clearance denial, so you won’t have to report it on future applications and, assuming the IC agency you’re referring to is the one I believe it is, they operate their process fairly independently so the likelihood of them informing other organizations or systems of your being dishonest is slim to none. Therefore, you might be able to apply with other organizations, assuming you’re honest the next time around.

Well I’m not sure it will blackball you for life, but you will certainly have to wait the full year as specified in the letter. Even if it is a different department, it is the same agency with the same security requirements, and the same group will be conducting the investigation.

What if I apply to a different agency’s internship program but it’s only been 6 or so months since the suitability denial? Do I have to wait the full year for ALL IC agencies or just the original?

Re-read the text of the suitability denial, and don’t over think it. It’ll be in there.

Definitely for the agency that issued you the letter… not sure about others. Go ahead and apply, see what happens. As @ArseneWenger says, read the letter carefully. If it does not make any mention of other agencies, go for it… but be sure to have a Plan B.

Sorry to bring this back up again,

But are my chances 0 of EVER getting a job in the same agency in any department?

No hard and fast data here… I think State Department says you cannot apply for one year (or is it two) after being found ‘unsuitable.’ The prevailing wisdom seems to be that once you have been blackballed at CIA you’ll never get hired in the future…

I wouldn’t say zero chance… the passage of time should resolve many problems :slight_smile:

Are you talking about in the IC or that agency specifically or the USG in general?

I’m talking specifically about CIA. I know of people who were turned down by other IC agencies who ended up getting hired after reapplying.

And just to be clear, I’m just re-stating what others have said, that there is no point in reapplying at CIA if you have received a denial for security/suitability. Can’t verify that but have some anecdotal evidence that tends to support it… This does NOT apply if you apply there and don’t get a response; I’m talking about when you get some kind of conditional job offer and you don’t get a clearance or are found ‘unsuitable’ (and I don’t even know if they do the ‘suitability’ thing).

Assuming that we are both correct as to which IC agency is being referenced here, I would agree. The positive factor is that their personnel process is so independent that even a rejection from them, for whatever reason, will have absolutely no effect on applications to other agencies.

Assuming that we’re all on the same page as to which agency is being referenced here, I would concur that you’re likely blocked for life from further reconsideration, even if the agency’s recruiters tell you otherwise (as they misled me on more than one subsequent occasion).