I’ve been clamoring for direct federal contracting for years…this post is % spot on regarding where the industry needs to go. Cut out middle management and go to direct federal contracting. By this method, you will retain experienced and a professional workforce by paying the Investigator more and paying them professional wages and treating them professionally.
The reason this may never happen is because of backroom deals. Companies transfer money into private trusts of higher ups that can’t be traced and everyone gets rich. That’s the reason being in power is so coveted…not because they care about the industry. The few making decisions won’t give this up. When USIS was formed amd privatized 5 years later money went all the way to the top. Its all about the money. One of the trusts used in USIS beginning was Ulysses. Not fooling anyone.
I agree with this. The only way change will come is if DCSA internally decides to not pursue a relationship with the vendors anymore, and then follows through with going direct contracting. Obviously the vendors have no reason to want to leave the industry (unless they can no longer turn a profit due to workload volumes or something like that).
You are correct about the other companies NOT talking directly about their ranking. My recollection of KeyPoint/Perspecta’s comments only came from a Reg. Mgr. who tried to hype “Quality” once a quarter and did mention audits being important to the company, but nothing like this obsession at CACI.
One of the other (of many) things that I don’t get with CACI is: They had a layoff a month (or two) ago and said it was “right-sizing” and laying off people (BIs, Review, etc.) in low work areas - which, of course, since we are working the whole country now, there is no such thing (and Review doesn’t have areas?). This layoff must have been calculated on some level of work projected - and now, there isn’t enough work to go around…I don’t get it. Butler keeps spouting IDIQ (no guarantee of work) but they have a number that they base a layoff on? Or is it just a slow killing so they can avoid a WARN situation? I, personally, don’t think they have a clue what they are doing (to people and with the program).
I don’t think CACI being ranked number one equates to more DCSA work for CACI. It may however, look good on the company resume when bidding against Perspecta and SCIS for alternate contract work such as DHS. Or it may help if DCSA were to decide that they want to reduce the number of contractors they use.