CACI Month-end Crunch

I’m no longer doing BI work but I used to love the good old days (~10 years ago) of having 60 cases and barnstorming a 50-mile radius fueled by coffee and adrenaline, knocking out a dozen source units (some by luck, e.g., find a neighbor home) then getting home and typing them up.

At the time I thought it was dreadful but now I’d give anything to be able to do it again. The people I would meet, the places I would go, the things I would see is an experience few people get to have.

When I was younger I wanted a cushy job that paid well. Now older and wiser I want a job like I described above. Having a lot of work and being able to work hard is truly a blessing worth much more than the pay. Even more so if done in the right spirit.


There’s nothing like putting in a hard day of work even if the record reviews, Subject Interviews, and Source interviews are exponentially mundane and monotonous.

I do agree that most alcohol issues and marijuana use ROIs could be a fill-in=the-word exercise. It’s almost as if most of the Subjects for these issues use the same information source.

I agree! In the old (pre-Snowden) USIS days, I used to complain about this and that…little did I know that those were the good old times. I would gladly go back to those days and and would enjoy every minute of it! There were no job aids and issue percentage was a thing. You were rewarded for having a high issue percentage because that meant you were developing issues and resolving them. Now, it is just church and burn and pray nobody starts a sentence with, “well, there is one thing that I didn’t know if I needed to put on the case papers…”

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