Clearance renewal issue

Hello, I am currently in the Air Force and due to retire in June 2019 and my TS/SCI will go to current vice active (if I understand correctly) the day i separate. I have been told by contractors that I will have a difficult time getting a job because my clearance will need to be renewed. I have done everything I could to see if the AF will reopen my PR to renew it by they are not authorized according to regulation if within 12 months of separating. I know staying in longer is possible but not ideal for my family as we will be separated even longer than I am at the moment. My clearance is active now and I am just wondering how much truth is behind contractors not hiring me or any course of action I can take that will help my situation? The DOD is so worried about their transitioning members I feel like there should be something that can be done. Its really just bad timing and I can’t imagine I’m the first this has happened to. Thanks for any help you can provide.

In order to give you any information I think that we will need the date of your last investigation.

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My last investigation was Jan 2013.

You are just aged out. Ish. Are you interviewing now and do current regulations instructions allow you to do so? At 5 years the BI is ready for a re-investigation. DoD got exceptions to keep them current, running some out to 7 years. Great for them, great for the backlog. Bad for the person. If a company wants you bad enough they have no issue submitting for you as an initial. Wait times for TS SCI run 18 to 24 months if no hiccups. Longer if there are unique challenges. I would certainly ask any company to attempt the crossover. My experience over many years shows clearly the rule on crossing over is not always interpreted rigidly. Normally out to 24 months they will cross over the TS. You may get a spot of good will if you start the process now, find a company willing to sponsor you. At times they can ask for a fresh SF86 to do a fast review and cross over. Other times they want an initial. As a retired Air Force member myself, thank you for being there doing what you were doing.


Thanks for the response amberbunny and for your service as well! I am not interviewing now, I get the feeling it is a little early for the contractor realm. I was going to hit it hard in April/May timeframe. There is no regulation I am aware of that prohibits me from interviewing at this time. I was also told by my security manager if a company wants me bad enough they will get the clearance done, lets hope that is true. I have read that the clearance usually stays current up to 24 months after separation but in my case I am not so sure since it really was due for a periodic back in Jan 2018. I am sure you can attest that leaving the military in and of itself is a huge undertaking and I am just trying to get some ground truth as this is a cause for concern. Thanks again!

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Your clearance expires at the earliest of the two dates: the expiration of your last investigation OR two years after you leave your cleared position.

I would recommend pursuing a job now. They can start the investigation knowing that you will not be available until later.

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I recommend what EdF said. I applied for jobs while I still had a clearance but it was up for renewal the next year (2016). The sooner you go and just get the process moving–the better.


Great, thanks for the help. Wish me luck!

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Good luck and thank you for your service!

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