Has my clearance ‘really’ expired?

In 2014 I had a re-investigation for a DOE Q/TS/SCI and worked for three years before a repetitive motion injury caused me to be let go from the contractor. After medical treatment, I learned that my clearance expired in July of 2019. Now there is new policy where a TS/SCI can remain in-scope for 6 years e.g. it would now expire in July of 2020. How can I prove to another contractor that my existing clearance is still within scope and valid. Time is running out. Any help, answers or ideas would be appreciated.


There’s two timelines here: the timeline since your last investigation (that’s the six years) and the timeline since you were last ‘active,’ which is usually two years… but I don’t know about DOE.

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I expect that the two year limit is what’s biting you. We have heard here that this can sometimes be worked around when the their is a special need for skills. But, being up against both limits may be an issue. This is really a question for the FSO where you are applying.

It looks as if the ‘active’ part is what will keep me from working.

“Active” means that you are currently employed in a cleared position. “Current” means that you are not currently working in a cleared position but you are eligible for one. “Inactive” is likely your current status.

Thank you. I guess I’ll just have to find a company willing to pay for the clearance. Are you aware of any prohibition of my repaying the company to have an investigation completed. I’ve held TS/SCI for over 30 years and still want to work. I appreciate your reply Ed.


It not usually a matter of the company not wanting to pay for the process. It’s about the wait time. The only reason that they prefer to hire those who are already cleared is that they can start right away.

I’m sorry to say that you could easily be in for an 18 month or longer wait.


No worries then I guess. It wasn’t meant to be.

Thanks for the assist.


EdFarmer is right about the two years causing a significant impact on your clearance. One Executive Correspondence moved TS investigations to a seven year cycle so technically your still in scope for your clearance. What’s holding things up is that DOE can not accept your investigation under reciprocity because there has been a break in service for over 24 months, thus requiring a new investigation.

I don’t suppose that being sidelined for a medical issue for much of this time has any impact on the time factor(s). I had to make sure the injury was healed so that working would not further exacerbate the injury. However, I understand that a nearly five year hiatus would adversely impact my status. I thank you for the information.


As I noted above, there have been exceptions. I don’t know how they all work. However, you are pushing six years from your last investigation AND you are past two years from your last active clearance. You are going to have to talk to hiring FSO’s about the chance to get you in and start an immediate RI.

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I appreciate that little bit of optimism! I’ll hang in. Just as an aside, CPCI shows my clearance as active but yes, the current part is a problem.


A bit curious about the “current” vs “active” definition. Suppose I am working at a company where my TS is being not being used per se, because I am waiting for my SAP investigation to finish. Does that mean my TS is current or active? I haven’t technically worked any restricted programs yet since our job requires a SAP, but my TS is housed in the employers system. I just want to make sure I understand what you mean when you say “active means that you are currently employed in a cleared position”