Considered drug use with clearance?

Hey everyone, I know this may sound stupid and silly and you can feel free to make fun of me as I am probably over thinking this and I am not a troll.

I currently hold TS where I may need to take a polygraph in the future. I’m at a party during a holiday this year and want to smoke a tobacco cigarette (gross habit I know) and ask a friend for one he says sure and I wasn’t really expecting or paying attention but he had a joint in the cigarette box too as well I didn’t realize that I grabbed it and had it up to my lip but immediately moved it away once I noticed. The joint was unlit obviously.

I went to my security office to self report as I held the joint so that may be considered drug handling as well as put unlit joint to lips as I was confused if that is considered use or not and they told me there wasn’t anything to really report and I was fine, but I’m unsure because I want want to make it seem like I’m hiding something during poly. I have since limited contact with that friend.

You reported it to your security officer and he said case closed. Don’t bring it up during a poly as it will only lead to a long wandering trip down the garden path and will be a big mess. You didn’t use drugs, that’s the key point.