Hello Everyone -
I’m hoping someone on this forum has some valuable advice for me. I was accepted into the DIA internship 2020 program earlier this year. I was informed that my TS / SCI CI Poly was complete very recently and out of adjudication status (prior military here which can be why it was completed quickly).
Since then a potential employer contracting with the NGA has offered me a position on an NGA contract. I intend on being able to work this position in the interim before my DIA Internship. They expressed that my clearance would have to crossover. I have a few questions with crossing over:
Will a crossover take my clearance out of its initial DoD status? (for my DIA internship)
I still intend on completing the 2020 DIA Internship, would this crossover interfere in anyway with that?
I have deployed before using my clearance but only within the realm of the DoD. No crossover was necessary. I hope I am able to have this answered today.
Thank you