I have several half siblings. I do not know their names, where they live or their age. My father is not a relaible source of info but I could probably get from him what he thinks the names and ages are . But all of them are estranged from him and so any more information is impossible for me to get. How much does the public trust need to know? Do have to put the admittedly inaccurate info about my half siblings who I havent seen or spoken to in nearly a decade?
List what you know, disclaim what you don’t.
It comes up more often than you may think. Just list what you know, maybe a short note that you have no contact with these persons, and little knowledge of their information.
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But can you complete the SF-86 online (eQIP if that’s still what it is called) without complete information?
You can list unknown for DOB/POB current address and such, but do list what you know so it does not appear that you are hiding these relationships.
Yes, you just put unk where you don’t know. I’m estranged from two people in my immediate family.
E: do note in the comments that you’re estranged and from what date.