DOHA ISCR Decisions Equivalent for Intelligence Agencies

I spent some time browsing the ISCR Decisions at the DOHA website at ISCR Hearing Decisions. For anyone not already familiar, these are hearings before an Administrative Judge (AJ) that are part of the appeals process for those initially denied a non-IC clearance. There’s a good description here if you want to know more.

But from what I have read, IC clearance decisions do not go through DOHA. Each agency has their own appeals process. I think all or most have a similar step where you can appear before a judge or panel and respond to the reasons you were denied. Are there any web sites for IC appeals similiar to DOHA ISCR decisions page, where you can read the description and outcome of clearance denials that were appealed?

That is correct. Also note that DOHA only publishes details related to contractor adjudications, not govt civilians or military. But it is still a useful resource. And I do not know of any such resource for other adjudications, except maybe scouring this website :slight_smile:

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I have only seen the basic DoD and DoE “DOHA” decisions.

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I doubt very much that the IC would make that type of information available.