e-QIP Rejection - Little Help

I struggling with how to accurately answer this question: Have you traveled outside the U.S. in the last seven (7) years?

Section 20C instructs like so, “If your time period exceeds 90 days you must use "Many Short Trips” as the purpose of travel to this country.”

My question is: Which time period are they referring to? How long it’s been since I’ve traveled? Or how long I visited the country that I tracked to?

That is referring to one individual trip that lasts more than 90 days within the 7 year time period. It says that because if your travel was more than 90 days, it should be listed as a residence and not as travel. List all trips that have occurred within the past 7 years.


On my SF 86 never asked where and for how long.

When you answer yes, the question expands. If you answer no, it won’t

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