Employment Change During Investigation

My BI investigation report has been sent up by the investigator I’m assuming for adjudication 5 months ago. On my SF86 I put the employer I’m currently working for but I’m ready to quit and have the opportunity to go work at another job that is remote with TDY sometimes in Germany, while I’m waiting for clearance to be adjudicated for this other job that I want.

My question is if I decide to take this remote job while waiting to be adjudicated for the job I really want do I need to report that I changed jobs?

Second question I will be stateside 9 months and only OCONUS 90 days out if the year. Will this affect my clearance investigation? Thanks!

The foreign travel is more likely to cause you problems than simply changing jobs. You should have some POC from the hiring organization to whom you can report the new job. You can also ask about the potential foreign travel.

Is the 90 days OCONUS all at once or intermittent trips? Usually delays for OCONUS are when we can’t reach the Subject to figure out where they are or get the interview scheduled. Travel to Germany itself shouldn’t be an issue.

Thank you for responding…going nuts. No, the 90 days are intermittent trips. Also, another question if you can answer…I’ve asked my security manager and haven’t received a response. When do you have your psych eval? is it after adjudication or prior? I was told it was after by a different POC, which doesn’t seem right. Already had poly, BI/fingerprints back in April/May its a contract gig for a TS/SCI 3 letter.