Failed FBI CI Poly (PSP)

I failed the FBI CI Poly (PSP) last year and ultimately had to leave my role as a contractor due to that. I was not afforded a retake. I made no negative admissions as there none to make.

As I left, security said not to worry that I would likely pass a CI Poly at another 3 letter agency if I were to take a contract there so that is what I did and passed. Security also emphasized that failed Polys were “closely held” by the FBI and not populated to Scattered Castles and that Scattered Castles was only populated for passed Polys.

That 3 letter Agency that I took the Poly at is a member of the DOD/IC so the pass results for that Agency populated to DISS and Scattered Castles.

Here is where things get rather strange…

I contacted my State Senator requesting a retake of the poly. About 6 months later I received the “Dear John” letter from the FBI saying that my suitability to work at FBI was revoked but that it would not effect my clearance. They also denied my ability to retake the poly.

I did a FOIPA request and the FBI responded many months later with completely redacted poly results. I asked if that was their intention but they were no longer responsive.

The above POC at security was advised that she could no longer help and asked me to contact the Poly division mailbox who has been non-responsive.

I am also a Law Enforcement Officer for an agency outside of the FBI who liasons with the FBI at another FBI facility.

I contacted the Unit Chief at that FBI facility and expressed my concerns regarding my potential inability to attend future meetings at said facility.

I also asked the UC if I could request a retake of the poly as I was made aware that the UC could request such a retake.

Shortly thereafter, I had someone check Scattered Castles in anticipation of potentially starting another non-FBI Federal Contract.

I was taken back by the results. The other 3 letter agency’s CI Poly was shown in Scattered Castles but so was the FBI CI/PSP Poly that I “failed”.

I called ODNI myself asking about it and they advised that they cannot see whether or not the Poly was a pass or fail but that normally failed results are not placed within Scattered Castles.

I know the Unit Chief personally and they are quite busy. I have heard nothing back from them.

If I do a FOIPA with ODNI they are very on point and return results quickly but advise that they cannot see/provide the Poly results and that the FBI would need to provide them.

I can tell you that my last few FOIPAS with ODNI did not show the “failed” CI/PSP poly.

The export to Scattered Castles must have been done quite recently.

The problem is I would like to know the results and the only way that I can think of getting them is to get hired on a Federal Contract supporting the FBI and just wait to see if I get walked to the door.

Did the UC make a difference?

Did the FBI decide to replicate the failed CI/Poly to Scattered Castles for being too persistent with my contesting of the results as any innocent person would naturally do?

I don’t feel like pursuing legal recourse to compel results at this point for a few reasons.

This still seems largely administrative at this point.

What would you do?


Typical FBI BS. Sorry dude!

You have no legal recourse. They don’t have to provide you anything and they wont.
Best to just move on and stay as far away from them as possible. You are not the only one with bad experience with them regarding Poly and security.

Thanks for taking a stab at this.

I am just curious as to what is sitting in SC and why it is sitting there. Again, a fail usually won’t populate SC.