I’m filling out my SF86 and I have some worries about a few things I did in my sophomore year of high school.
I took Adderall once and never used it again almost 7 years ago.
I hacked into a couple of websites about 6 years ago as well.
During both instances, I was 16 and I have not repeated the behavior since then. Of course, I am going to disclose this in my SF86, but are these automatic disqualifiers?
From talking to coworkers this doesn’t seem like a big deal. I never heard of anyone being disqualified for using drugs a few times many years ago. As far as the hacking goes, I’ve never met anyone who had to put that in their record but as long as you’re honest, up front, and remorseful I doubt it’ll be disqualifying
I contacted my POC and he said that because it says last 7 years in the question I need to give info up to that timeline. I am currently 21 and that would take it down to when I was 14. Does that seem like he is incorrect? My understanding is that you know what you’re talking about, but I want to make sure I am not misinforming you of the question.
Not true WWW. The SCA ever questions are literally since the moment of birth.The urban myths about the nothing before 18 years and 16 years of age are nothing but myths.
The only questions that exclude information before the 18th birthday are residences, education, and employment, unless the minimum two years of reporting for these areas require the Subject to report these areas before the 18th birthday.
Do you believe given the time frame these would be issues? Or for that matter a little over a year ago I downloaded a TV show illegally. I have already put these on my sf86. Should I be prepared to get hit hard on these?
Since the form has changed a few times in recent years I thought it best to provide factual data straight from the authoritative source. Preliminary instructions from NBIB for the new form state " In most categories the instructions will state that you should not list information before your 18th birthday unless necessary to provide a minimum of two years history. Please follow the specific instructions for each question on the SF 86".
From experience, I know that investigators can and do visit an applicant’s high school. That would cover a significant block of time prior to the 18th birthday!