I’m about to apply for a few positions in the federal government (and contractors), all of which require a Tier 5 investigation. I also have an upcoming trip planned to the PRC for tourism purposes. For obvious reasons, I’m concerned that this may raise a red flag (pun intended) and I have no problem cancelling the trip if the prevailing wisdom is to simply avoid anything that might raise questions or doubts. Any insights or advice would be appreciated. As further background, I have traveled to many countries in the past - mostly US allies or at worst neutral states, with the exception of Russia a few years ago, which I only visited because I was going to be in Poland and figured why not?
I wouldn’t let a possible position stop me from traveling…although I don’t recommend making multiple short trips to N. Korea, Cuba, etc. : )
Just be sure to list the travel on your case papers and be prepared to discuss it…depending on the agency questions could range from a simple purpose of your travel to drilling down to what cities you visited, where you stayed (hotel or private residence) who you traveled with, how the trip was funded, and any interaction with law enforcement while you were in country.
Once you are in a cleared position the advice may change, just be sure to speak to your FSO long before any foreign trip. There will be paperwork to complete and file with your security office and some positions require permission to travel outside the US. (again, agency dependent)
I would do all my traveling either before applying for clearance or after I get my clearance. If you travel while you’re applying or waiting for it to complete, it could possibly make the process take a lot longer.
I went to Europe on two separate occasions during investigation - I don’t think it extended the process at all. I told them before I went and then did a phone briefing after.
Fair enough. But FWIW, Europe does not equal China.
I think there’s an institutional bias among investigators and “the cleared community” against any kind of foreign travel that’s not a cruise. If there’s any cases on the DOHA appeals site where a clearance was denied because a Subject went on a tour of China (assuming the Subject has no Chinese family or other ties) I’d love to hear it.