
Hi…i am a legal immigrant who is looking forward to join the USMC…I am also planning to naturalize as soon as i m eligible…i know that i will not be eligible for a security clearance until i naturalize but my question is how tough will it be for me to obtain a security clearance once i naturalize…i migrated from India to the USA 2 years ago…that is, when i was 21…went back to complete my BA…came back in Jan 2015…my parents are also legal immigrants…i have a clean record back in India…no police cases…no drug issues…i have never been a part of the Indian govt…well i never even had a voter’s identity card…i haven’t even voted in an election…but i have a few members of my extended family still live in India as well as few of my friends…with whom i’m in contact but not frequently…

It will depend on a few things like will your parents still be citizens of India living there, or will they be legal permanent residents living in the U.S., and do you have other immediate family members who are foreign citizens. Your military service will help accelerate the process to become a citizen, and to apply for a clearance you will just have to mitigate foreign influence concerns.

No immediate family except for my parents and they are planning on staying in the US aleast for the next 2 decades…and just to ask you…in order to obtain a ‘secret security clearance’ to apply for MARSOC, how many months will it take on an average…based on my background?

I have no information regarding that, each case has it’s own unique criteria and depends on the agency, priority, workload, etc…