Interim Security Clearance

I accepted a job offer for Lockheed Martin about a month ago and it requires that I obtain an interim security clearance. I am currently 18 years old and a naturalized US citizen who was born in India and moved to the United States only a few months later. I have no substantive foreign contacts besides extended family in India. Other than that, I have no criminal offenses, never used drugs, never sought medical attention, etc.

I’d really like to know the chances of me obtaining a security clearance given my circumstances. Thanks in advance.

I would foresee you being ok. But you are in for a really long wait. I am at day 174 waiting for an interim clearance.

Foreign contacts are not a problem for the Secret clearance… we’ve got several folks originally from India who go back to visit regularly, not to mention a couple guys from Iran who still have close relatives there (obviously they never visit :slight_smile: ) … but foreign contacts might prevent you from getting an interim. I can’t say for sure.

As @acox20 notes, even getting an interim can take several months these days.

I accepted a job offer with VECTRUS. submitted my e-QIP trough Vectrus on the beginning of Jun. I am Naturalized U.S citizen and have no family members or relatives in the U.S. my history clean as a white page! Does any one knows who long it takes currently to get the interim security clearance?