in 2023 i got a city ordnance violation for minor in possession of alcohol the cops made it clear that this was not criminal and when i went to the city hall the charge was dropped should this go on my sf 86 ?
Yes it should be listed.
Because it is alcohol, yes. Let them dig and see it wasnt criminal. File under stupid juvenile hijinks. Not a showstopper.
Will this affect my clearance ?
You will be required to list it every time you fill out an SF86 (unless the wording changes).
The question (22.2) reads “have you EVER been charged with an offense involving alcohol or drugs?”
Also, being an alcohol related charge, be prepared to fully and accurately discuss your use of alcohol…what you first started drinking, frequency of use, any use of a fake ID, how alcohol was obtained, how many and what type you drink…and on and on.
Ever is ever. Once you discuss it during your initial interview, you should not (rules change so I say SHOULD NOT) have to discuss it in subsequent investigations. You will be asked if there are any ongoing issues related to the charge, or new charges, in subsequent investigations. And of course, can it be used against you as blackmail.
I had a subject not too long ago where they had to be confronted with an unlisted charge involving alcohol. It was because a local law check produced a $35 ticket they received in 1995 for having an open container of beer on the beach after their prom. So yeah,… “ever” DEFINITELY means EVER.