Multiple equip for the same top secret clearance

I got two sponsorships for the same level of security clearance Top Secret. I understand the second investigation won’t start until the first investigation is done. How about the adjudication part? Will everything just be done once based on the first eQIP submitted in the system?

Did you apply for 2 separate jobs? If so, then it’s possible both investigations could happen simultaneously. I’ve had 2 investigations going on at once before (one for renewal of Secret clearance for the job I had at the time, and one for TS/SCI for the job I am currently in).

My impression is that, if both of them are on the same level (TS), the second one will wait until the first one is done.

Yes, they are for two separate jobs.

Yours are different because they are for different levels (one is TS, the other one is secret clearance SC).