I left the oil and gas industry this past fall to go into IT, specifically cybersecurity and cloud. I am taking IT certification courses.
Obviously in the DC & Northern Virginia are the coveted jobs are the ones with any type of clearance.
My concern is being able to obtain any type.of clearance from public trust to TS with a criminal history.
College years were a very difficult time for me. I was out the world on my own with very little direction, support or guidance. I was bogged down in periods of depression. I didn’t have good judgment, was indecisive when I would receive advice. The depression started my junior year of high school in 1992 when my mother’s condition of ovarian cancer went down hill. She died Christmas of my senior year. Other life events I believed attributed to the depression.
While in college I was convicted of criminal mischief and aggravated harassment. Both were misdemeanors that resulted in house arrest and probation.
In 2002 I was convicted of collecting unemployment while working. The conviction was grand larceny in the 4th degree with probation restitution (5 years).
Being eager to get off probation early for that case and go on with my life restitution would have to be satisfied.
I couldn’t borrow the money I don’t have any credit set to got a credit card and roommate’s name and used it.
That resulted in a misdemeanor conviction with conditional discharge. Meaning the money was paid back before the case was resolved. That bullet I only dodged because citibank only wanted their money the roommate was a very easy going guy with not an angry boners body and the girlfriend at the time paid the money back.
That was end of 2004/2005.
Now, 2019 that girlfriend who paid the money back is the mother of our 7 smart well behaved kids, ages 11 to 3 years old next month.
In the past 17 years I have learned a lot and I am grateful that my mind has opened up to good judgment, maturity and wisdom from the choices I made and life as a whole.
Now I tell my kids “If it’s not yours don’t touch it!”
When we see a police car outside of Walmart or the mall I’d explain to them it’s more than often someone was stealing and explain to them what exactly stealing means and the consequences of such.
I want them to understand that in the end all they are doing is stealing from themselves (and what that means.)
I want no negativity in my life in any way.
All I’m concerned with is paying the bills. taking care the family, buying a larger house in the future 529 college plans etc.
Currently I am going on to my 3rd IT certification and will go on.
I’ve been heard and been told that it’s a felony over 10 years and I would be able to be favorably adjudicated. I’ve also been told the polar opposite and some in between.
I would really appreciate anyone’s feed back or comments about applying for a position that requires any type of clearance.