Any thoughts on the OPM mass resignation email that just went out? It does not appear to offer early retirement, only immediate resignation. Can federal employees who decide to resign and take 8 months of pay and benefits offered really trust that the current government will follow through on the promise?
This is a question on the minds of many right now.
No thoughts but I am very interested in hearing those who do.
It sounds like every labor lawyer out there is recommending no one take this offer. The terms are vague and the offer is shabby and insulting. I’m fearful as to what the new “enhanced standards of conduct” will be for those who stay will be.
I don’t know if the offer qualifies as “shabby and insulting” but there are definitely a lot of unanswered questions. If you look at the offer on the face of it, it sounds pretty good; but once you start digging into it there are a lot of potential risks.
When you send these words out to ALL of your employees encouraging them to quit, “The way to greater American prosperity is encouraging people to move from lower productivity jobs in the public sector to higher productivity jobs in the private sector” It’s definitely a shabby insulting insinuation that EVERY public servant is in a low productivity job. I think Air Traffic Controllers are pretty high producing jobs.