Received a suitability denial from an IC agency a couple months ago. Reached out to OPM to request a copy of my BI results and OPM is saying there are no records of my BI?
Is it just that it hasn’t hit their systems yet, or do I need to do a PA request with the IC agency directly?
Many of the IC agencies conduct their own BIs in house and OPM is not involved, however, you indicated suitability denial which leads me to believe the denial was based on information during the pre-screen process. You should have been notified why.
It was after the poly, and the letter I received specifically said the offer was withdrawn due to “information obtained during the employment screening process.” Also stated that no additional information will be provided, there is no appeal, and that it was NOT a clearance denial.
So I guess my question is whether it’s even worth it to request a copy of my BI from this agency. Since I was already interviewed by an investigator, credit pulled, friends/family/employers? My investigator did specifically say I have the right to request a copy of my BI, but is there some PA exemption that will withhold all my records?
(Not talking about polygraph records, as I know those are specifically exempted.)
Are you wanting a copy because you have no idea why you did not move forward? Or do you merely want a file copy? I’ve said this before; it bears mentioning again, not saying this to be smarmy. “You, are in the best position to know EXACTLY why it did not move forward.” You had the interview, you know the area the BI person kept circling back on, and you know in your heart if you were untruthful, shaded the truth or tried to split frog hairs. You should know your credit score, and you know your recreational drug history, along with your job record. If you had recreational drug use within the past 12 to 18 months, assume that is at least one issue. Credit sub 600?, safe to assume another issue. Terminated for an integrity issue? May be a third. I’m not accusing you of this. Merely saying you know what the rough areas were/are. If you have zero drug use, zero non legal downloads, zero arrests, a north of 800 credit score and never had any disciplinary writeups or arrests…then you have a mystery. But think through the form and questions asked. What exactly are the area(s) you felt pressure on or have participated in that society in general considers negative behavior?
Do you want to see the BI because you have no idea what the issue was? Normally, a person knows exactly what the rough areas were…credit, criminal or drug use.
Correct, there should be no issues in my BI, so all I was asking is whether it’s worth the time/hassle to go through a PA request with the IC agency that conducted my BI.
If you have a very clean record, north of 750 credit, no arrests, no drugs, no foreign connections…it would be interesting to see what the issue was. Companies can withdraw offers for almost any reason. Even no reason in a right to work state. Normally though both you and the company would know if there was a certain something putting you at risk. Perhaps as small as extensive foreign travel? Maybe another person just cleared and they can use that person instead of you? If I was squeaky clean I too would want a copy. If I KNEW there was an issue, I would simply assume that was the issue. Those communities are notoriously difficult to get info from however.