Question about clearance

Do they send written inquiries to all references listed for a tier 3 Secret DOD Clearance?

They may . . . I think that about the best answer you’re going to get . . .

There are others who may be able to give you a better idea of when and why they make the decision to contact some and not others but it’s really not a fixed situation.

For residences, no inquiries, no personal interviews, and no residence records are part of the investigative element to Tier 3 case, unless issues are present that would flag an interview with a listed verifier. Written inquiries are sent to employments and no co-worker interviews are scheduled either unless there are issues present.

Skubrats is correct, T3 investigations cover education and employment records and law enforcement checks everywhere you lived worked and went to school in the last 7 years.

Hi, Marko.

If I am in adjudication for a TS with ATF would that interfere with getting a Tier 3 Secret done with DOD?

Thank you!

If you have a TS completed with Treasury/ATF, then DoD would not be able to submit a T3 investigation, they would have to wait until the TS is adjudicated or request a copy of the completed investigation and adjudicate themselves.

Is a personal interview with an investigator a standard protocol now for a T3 Secret DOD clearance?

I do not believe so.

Not for SECRET, no it is not standard but it is not uncommon.

Currently in process for a Tier 3 DoD Secret, I had to meet with a BI at the the end of the investigation process. Granted that it was helpful as I had a couple updates for my SF. I don’t know if it’s standard procedure now or if it was triggered (only issue I can think of was some light MJ use around 2 years prior).

I do Subject interviews for folks going through a T-3 investigation all the time - but then I am in investigator.

I have seen triggers for many things over the years - some serious, some because the Subject omitted information, and a lot of humorous triggers from Subject’s who don’t read the questions before answering.

A Subject interview is basically your opportunity to provide information to the adjudicator through an investigator/agent. This is not something you want to buzz through quickly. For Tier 3 - something jiggled the system. Ensure you give the full story and all the information you know. A good (experienced) investigator will try to pry the full story out of you, the good, bad, and sometimes ugly, to include the why and what happened afterwards. Hiding information during these interviews don’t work out for you.

The Tier 3 process, unlike the old NACLC/ANACI allows the investigator to talk to other folks to figure out the whole story - so give your side during the Subject interview to the investigator.

Yep . . . At my interview in February 2016, I thought that we were done and the investigator asked, “So, what do you want to tell me about the arrest warrant issued for you in 2011?”

I almost crapped my pants . . . It was a simple issue over a housing code citation that was mailed to the wrong address but I had forgotten about it completely. I explained everything and the next day, the investigator went to the municipal court to verify the story. She called me and said, “You better go down there. There are four more outstanding warrants going back to 2011!”

I went that afternoon and resolved all of it. My wife and I owned a rental property and the township was sending me citations for things that were the tenants responsibility. But, they were sending them to the rental property despite the fact that I had all of the proper licenses in place and they should have been sending them to my home address.

These were for things like “Failure to clear sidewalks of snow” and “Putting the trash out for pickup more than 24 hours before the pickup time.” Things that the tenant should have been handling.

The court dismissed all of the citations and warrants.

As is ended up, I did receive an SOR for other issues but this wasn’t mentioned.

My question made the news :hugs: