Hello, Does anyone have example of a proper SOR response that’s acceptable to the reviewing officers general standards (if that exists)? Has anyone successfully responded on their own without legal counsel? Thanks in Advance. This is for an IC denial as an applicant, Guideline E.
(Please excuse my ignorance if any of this doesn’t add up to your intellect. You’ll never know how to ask or what to ask for until you ask.)
I don’t know of any format or template. Just make sure you address all the points raised in the letter. If you have not looked at the adjudicative guidelines yet (which include things they will accept as ‘mitigating factors’), do a web search and you’ll find them for DoD… I believe they are the same for IC agencies.
If you can, show that the allegations are false or incorrect, or that some important information that would be in your favor has been left out. If that is not possible, then show how you have mitigated the concern. I looked up Guideline E, which turns out to be “Personal Conduct.” Hopefully some time has passed since the incident and your life circumstances have changed so you are no longer conducting yourself in whatever manner they objected to.
Make sure you address all their concerns, don’t leave anything undefended.