My employer has gotten word that my security clearance/e-qip application is in delayed status, as well as for 30+ employees in my sector. I have not received any communication from an investigator or anyone else besides the e-qip application email. As far as I know, none of my previous employers or references that I listed have been contacted either. I was wondering if my situation is normal or is there a slowdown in investigations being done?
No slowdown here. You are probably hitting the fiscal year end slowdown. The requesting agency is low/out of funds for investigations and just “holding” the case.
This is not common but I have seen many instances over the years.
Your e-qip will be reviewed for errors and other information. If necessary, it will be sent back to you for corrections.
If your investigator has not made contact with you, then your case is more than likely not in investigations - your e-qip and all other application materials are being reviewed.