SF-86 mistakes and background investigator meeting

I made a number of mistakes on my initial submission of the SF-86 like wrong dates, incorrect phone numbers, typos, etc as well as remembering additional reportable information. I’ve contacted my recruiter on this and they’ve said to just wait until a BI reaches out. I’ve been holding tight, but now I’m just a bit concerned because I got my polygraph and psych exams scheduled (relatively) soon. I’d like to clarify these portions as soon as possible just so my exams are going off the most complete and updated information, but I know this is wishful thinking and may or may not happen.

Anyone experience something similar to this? I was told that if a BI doesn’t reach out, I can just tell the examiners. How does that go?


If you haven’t done so already, print your SF-86 that you signed.
Then annotate what needs to be changed on there.
That way, you can bring it up with the investigator / examiner.

Based on what you stated, the wild card may be the ‘additional repotable information’.
Depending on the severity of it, recency…, your candor may be questioned.

If it’s minor or a genuine omission, don’t sweat it. People make mistakes all the time…

Yeah, it’s mostly stuff I forgot that happened 2+ years ago and a misunderstanding of a question.