I’ve had a TS clearance for over 20 years. The company I worked for started a reinvestigation and then laid me off a few weeks later.
Now all the jobs I’ve applied for FSOs state I have no clearance. A few states it would only take a couple weeks. Some say I’m starting over. I would be nice to get a definite answer.
Below is the output one FSO gave me:
Clearance Eligibility: Loss of Jurisdiction
Clearance Eligibility Date:9/3/2024
Current Access: None
Investigation Type: T5R
Investigation Date: 6/11/2019
Government System Checked: DISS
CE Date 08/15/2024 ; Candidate would not be able to support a cleared role until their clearance is re-granted, this can take 3-12 months.
I could be wrong so will defer to the experts but, I believe once the agency reports you no longer need the clearance, it goes “Inactive.” Then you have 1 year to re-activate it. You SHOULD still have an “inactive” clearance, but again, I’ll defer to the security experts on here.
LOJ means you have no sponsorship. Happens a lot when some firms do not want to wait for your TS investigation to close and needs a body in that chair ala billet.
Don’t quote me but I have seen it. These firms make money from billing the client. I would recommend requesting your latest files from DCSA. They have free forms posted on how to request your latest investigation or all to include what DISS aka JPAS has.
Once you get your DISS report via FOIA request you might only need to find sponsorship again. This sux but it never changes. Gov will stop your investigation process if your employer reports that one is no longer employed with them. Gov will simply put your file under the stack and never come back to it until you have sponsorship again from any firm.
It is your first move. If your DISS comes back with just an LOJ at the end of the report then your previous employer did not want to wait for your re-investigation.
If anything besides an LOJ then I would recommend paying for help with experience in security clearance.