Will I be granted a TS clearance

Hey so I am just wanted to get some advice for y’all because I am alittle worried. I am 22 years old and I have had a secret clearance since I was 18. I just recently got a new job and they require me to get a TS. The issue is a year ago I made a horrible decision and tried cocaine. It wasn’t even enough to make me feel anything but I still did it. Another thing is I smoke marijuana 5 times in a 6 month span. I regret my decision every single day but I cannot take it back. I have filled out my sf-86 and I was completely honest. Do you guys think that I will be able to get my TS?

So you’ve taken drugs while having a clearance.
Did you report these to your FSO as soon as it happened, or did you wait until filling in your new SF86?
I don’t want to be the bearer of bad news, but your secret clearance is also at risk here.

What you have going for you here is that you were honest on your forms.
Had you lied and they found out on their own, it would have been career ending.

So who knows what will really happen here (could be nothing, a letter of intentions, suspension of clearance, denial and revocation…).

Others may have more insight.

That’s a tough question, and thanks for posting it.

In your shoes, I would have done the same thing by reporting it all on my SF-86. Some people can live with that sort of fear on their conscience, and in that sense, I could understand them not reporting it if they never intended to repeat it and there was little chance of it being exposed.

I personally think your chances of getting a TS are low, and your S may be in jeopardy too. I have seen alot of lenience towards people trying drugs in college/before getting cleared. But I think they are relatively unforgiving of drug use while cleared, since it shows disregard for established rules and expectations.

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The common story… regretted an action endangering your clearance and employment every day, after of course the months of drug use.

You have several things going against you:

  1. You are an adult, not a teenager.
  2. You were cleared and already aware you should not use illegal drugs (even if it had no effect on you).
  3. You clearly demonstrate you are a risk and will not obey simple security rules.

The only thing you have going for you is if you reported the drug use when it happened - not when you were told you were going for a TS. If you did not self-report - then you move yourself higher onto the security risk chart.

I would say start looking for a non-cleared job that you can do for a few years but then, I am not an adjudicator, nor do I have access to your whole story or circumstances.


I wouldn’t lose any sleep over it. A few things to consider.

First, there are many cases with much worse issues than yours. Bigger issues and more of them.

Second, you were forthright and volunteered this information while in many cases applicants with developed issues, often way worse than yours, try to hide it or lie about it.

Third, more than 97% of security clearance applications are approved outright and those that are denied are later approved by DOHA in appeal.

Quite frankly, the only people scrutinized in the security clearance investigation process are the investigators themselves. At least those working for contractors.

I am curious if there’s bias or unbias judgments based on the Clearance determinations and if ones job affiliation or Special Programs status defer outcomes. So I am in the Military and in my Cladestine community we have some will say "unconventional Operating Groups " the ones to which are anonymous and unclaimed on the news anyways, theres this young average Sergeant in the Unit who is a Intel Analyst dealing with very critical info given affiliation to the Tier 1 community …with that said this young troop received 2 DUIs within a 3yr span and recently a Domestic found guilty, He still remains in service . I am not sure if its due to the fact that its hard alone to even make it on these Special Teams and Community. I just dont get how the DoD chooses whos to keep and whos to GO.

or the DUIs and other risk factors are not being reported to the adjudicators. Unfortunately, military units too often try to adjudicate at their level instead of allowing the process to work.

One DUI is a minor issue and maybe just a one time lack of judgement, two or more shows an alcohol problem. This is a common thread with alcohol counselors I have interviewed over the many years.

So no, certain communities are not supposed to be “immune”, especially if they have higher access.